2006 was a stimulating and revealing year for The Creativity Network. The Network was a simple idea: it was originally conceived as a networking mechanism through which members of Long Beach’s Creative Community could come together to meet, greet and hopefully launch productive relationships. We began with a series of Salons at Utopia Restaurant in [...]
By Greggory Moore For five of the last seven years, San Diego-based jazz quartet Cosmologic has been able to remain a cohesive unit, playing live and putting out three albums, even though one of its members has been living on the East Coast. However, this fall he returned to Southern California, which should give the [...]
By Greggory Moore “The Golden Arm Trio” is just a name, a moniker under which composer/pianist/drummer Graham Reynolds and his collaborators of the moment gather to perform some fantastic jazz-seeming stuff that is as much tango + texture as it is jazz, something one might conceptualize as Naked City and the Lounge Lizards melding to [...]
A note from Lorenzo on Sunday, November 4th: I have very sad news this evening. Lisa passed away this afternoon at 2:30pm. She fought valiantly to stay with us. I was speaking to her the entire time as the doctors and staff worked on her — I know that she could hear me, but she [...]
ABC Channel 7 is coming to Long Beach and they want to hear from you! Hosted by the Long Beach Chapter of the American Red Cross. On Thursday, Nov. 9th from 6pm – 8pm, ABC Channel 7 will host a Town Hall Meeting at the Greater Long Beach Chapter of the American Red Cross located [...]
If you want to teach a class at the Arts Park, there’s an application process. You can find information about existing classes, and the Instructor Application, here. We need to utilize the Arts Park so it can stay open. If you’ve not visited, it is located on East side of Elm Street, just South of [...]
By Greggory Moore In 2006, in addition to the walking tour of sound installations throughout the East Village Arts District, SoundWalk has been expanded to include three nights of performances. The first, on October 6, took place in the Dome Room of the Lafayette (528 E. Broadway). Noah Thomas used a laptop and a mixing [...]
The U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary’s Basic Coastal Navigation course is a comprehensive course designed for both the experienced and the novice boater. Basic Coastal Navigation is an introduction to coastal piloting. This is a course for boaters covering Introduction to Coastal Navigation; The Marine Magnetic Compass; The Nautical Chart; The Navigator’s Tools and Instruments; [...]
PACIFIC OVERTURES – LONG BEACH OPERA’S 29th ANNUAL GALA and AUCTION gourmet cuisine – appetizers, complete dinner with wine, beverages and dessert, open bar, jazz band, dancing, hundreds of items in Silent and Live Auctions. AUCTION ITEMS: A cruise to Alaska, trips to NYC and Sante Fe among others, restaurants, unusual outings, art, jewelry and [...]
“FIRST THE QUESTIONS, NOW THE ANSWERS ARE NEEDED!” The Long Beach Creativity Network and LongBeachCulture.org sponsor a community forum to seek answers and solutions. “Building a master cultural plan for the Long Beach creative community” is the continuing theme in the second of a series of community forums organized to spark dialogue. The next forum [...]