by Sander Roscoe Wolff We live in a city of nearly half a million people, yet only a small fraction of the residents participate in the most basic form of community advocacy: voting. Long Beach, according to the 2000 census, is home to the sixth highest poverty rate of any city in the country. While [...]
“FIRST THE QUESTIONS, NOW THE ANSWERS ARE NEEDED!” The Long Beach Creativity Network and sponsor a community forum to seek answers and solutions. “Building a master cultural plan for the Long Beach creative community” is the continuing theme in the second of a series of community forums organized to spark dialogue. The next forum [...]
CREATIVITY NETWORK FORUM SUMMARY On Wednesday, July 26, The Long Beach Creativity Network and co-sponsored a community forum at Koos Art Center. The topic was Building a Master Cultural Plan for Long Beach’s Creative Community. We asked the participants to list three goals, priorities or issues facing the city’s creative community. The following are [...]
Long Beach Creativity Network and LongBeachCulture.Org present “BUILDING A MASTER PLAN FOR THE LONG BEACH CREATIVE COMMUNITY” Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7-9PM Koos Art Center 530 E. Broadway Long Beach, CA 90802 562.491.7584 The Arts Council for Long Beach is developing an updated Strategic Plan that will guide its mission for years to come. This [...]
The Long Beach Creativity Network in association with LongBeachCulture.Org and Gallery 33 East Present An ASIA IN RED Creativity Mixer Gallery 33 East 3202 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA Thursday, July 27, 6:30pm 562-433-1496 Meet and network with other members of Long Beach’s growing creative community. Chat, exchange ideas and business cards, drink some wine, [...]
Antonio Pedro Ruiz: I hate to respond to long responses to my postings but what the heck, this is about dialogue, so here goes. For the rest of the readers, see Sanders original posting down further in the Press Room. 1) What is the grand vision for a culturally vibrant and diverse Long Beach? Sander’s [...]
This is an exciting and heady time for the Creative Community in Long Beach. The Tour Des Artistes this past weekend; long after the vendors had packed up, there were still people on Broadway, Elm, Linden and First. There was an excitement and euphoria that was contagious. Then there was the community meeting on the [...]
By Greggory Moore The last of several forums for candidates running for the Second District City Council seat was put on by the East Village Arts District on May 24 in the Grand Salon of the Cooper Arms building. This piece will not pretend to be any sort of comprehensive coverage. This was my first [...]
We’re collecting information for transmission to the Arts Council’s Strategic Planning Committee. Below, please find a survey. Feel free to cut and paste into a word document and send back to me via e-mail at THE LONG BEACH CREATIVITY NETWORK SURVEY What would you list as the top three priority issues facing the Creative [...]
It was a good crowd of some 25 people who turned out for another stimulating Salon at C1D Gallery,441 E First Street(Thanks to Enrique Chiu for hosting us). Co-sponsored by CID and LongBeachCulture.Org, the Salon got down to business with talk about the upcoming Strategic Plan for the Arts Council for Long Beach. There’s been [...]