2nd City Council Art Gallery + Performance Space
435 Alamitos Avenue, Long Beach, CA, 90802
562-901-0997 * 2ndcitycouncil@earthlink.net
The 2nd City Council (2cc) Art Gallery + Performance Space is pleased to announce its next Call for Artists.
Dada, Surrealism, Readymade & Found Object runs from Jan. 20, 2007 – Feb. 22, 2007. The exhibition is open to all California artists.
Juror Christian Jon Meoli is an actor-writer-producer with an extensive background in art, theatre, television and film.
In 2003, Meoli wrote and produced the theatrical play, The DADAists, about the painters and poets who began the infamous DADA art movement. The production premiered at The MET Theater and was heralded by Cynthia Citron of The Beverly Hills Outlook as “One of the five worst plays ever written.” How Dada!
Meoli wanted to bridge the 1916 story with the numerous performance artists, poets, artists and music community of 21st century Los Angeles. He began Cabaret Voltaire, a modern version of the cabaret which gave birth to Dada in Zurich. The monthly avant-garde happening showcases the best of LA’s underground performers and artists creating intelligent evenings through a cross-pollination of creative energies. In 2004, Meoli joined forces with Pacifica Radio Host and Poet Jerry Quickley, Actor Clayton Rohner and Editor Chris Spiro as a producer/director on the documentary concert film Beats For Baghdad. In 2006 Meoli began producing and hosting “Tea Time with Harold Lemon” a poli-sketch comedy show on KPFK 90.7FM and “The Big C“. The Big C Foundation was created to continue a focus of education/outreach on the subject of Cancer.
Entry Deadline is Sun. December 3, 2006.
Awards – $500, $300, $200, and $100 plus the infamous eye-opener statue.
Entry fees are $10 per entry for members and $12 per entry for nonmembers. Volunteer hours (in the gallery or online) are accepted in lieu of entry fees but must be completed prior to notification deadline.
For a complete prospectus or questions, please email Cheryl Bennett at 2ndcitycouncil@earthlink.net or write the gallery at P.O. Box 90503, Long Beach, CA, 90809 or call (562) 901-0997.
Next Call for Artists– The 6th annual Women’s Music, Art, Dance & Word Festival.
Thank you,
Cheryl Bennett
2nd City Council Art Gallery + Performance Space
435 Alamitos Avenue, Long Beach, CA, 90802
(562) 901-0997
I must confess that I had to Google “dada art” to refresh my memory about a “phase” I mostly try to forget. This site – http://arthistory.about.com/cs/arthistory10one/a/dada.htm – offers a general guide to dada.
To my surprise, I realized that this may be the perfect time for a showcse of its (perhaps unknowing) revival.
Be well and happy,