New Local On-Line Media Outlet

Posted on Wednesday 14 February 2007

In what seems to be an endless parade of new websites dedicated to our fair city, The Long Beach Post has thrown their hat into the ring and, from the start, seem to have put together an interesting and diverse team of writers. For example, Josh Lowenthal penned a rather loving feature about the legendary and occasionally controversial John Morris, best known for Legends, Mums, and now Smooths.

Failed mayoral candidate Frank Colonna offers his insights into the inner workings of local politics, and wonders why our town can’t be the safest in California. Of course, law enforcement is his answer, rather than a substantive examination of the cause of local crime: poverty.

Failed 2nd District Council candidate Bry Myone contributes a spirit of political advocacy and tenacious watch-dog spirit to the Post, and Sé Reed, past EVAD president and co-owner of {open}, is the cultural operative, ready to shed light on the murky back-waters of arts and culture in her column All Together Now.

Co-publishers Robert Garcia and Shaun Lumachi bring a fresh and forward-looking energy to the Post. Garcia is on the faculty at CSULB where he teaches communication and mass media, and serves on the board of Children Today, an organization that raises funds to pay for day care for homeless children. Lumachi is the president of Chamber Advocacy, a professional consulting firm. Both are contributors to the Post.

The initial offering is a bit light, more of an introduction, really. If they can really get these folks to contribute substantive material on a regular basis, it may be just the thing our community needs. Here’s hoping.

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