Have you heard of the Arts Council for Long Beach? (If it helps, they used to be known as the Public Corporation for the Arts.) What do they do? Are they relevant to what you’re doing, or to your interests? What would you like to see them do?
Please post your answers as comments on this post.
They send open calls for artists for Public Art to evfriends@yahoogroups.com so it gets posted to “Friends of” aka EastVillageArtsDistrict.ORG). They put up post posters around the City of Art and Culture but as far as I’ve seen have NEVER put the Second Saturday Artwalk in the blank area of the posters. They apply for monies, grants, etc. and pick Artists to perform/install/create the work, saving a percentage to pay their salaries.
They put out a quarterly newsletter about various events and projects. SMITHSONIAN WEEK is their baby. I know I’m leaving SOMETHING out, let me think (you might see a “PS”).
Friends of the East Village Arts
Post your Press Releases for Free!
I have to admit, many LOCAL artists didn’t have much good to say about the “PCA” because they seemed to use alot of out-of-area artists for projects. I notice some of them are now utilizing the Grants the PCA/Arts Council of Long Beach offers. Is this because the artists are NOW in the loop and now abot the grant applications, or is it out of desperation.?
Yes, I find it funny that some of the very same people that had nothing good to say about the PCA are now employed (on projects) by them. Which brings up a point: Maybe the PCA HAD to go out-of-area because they weren’t getting as many local applications back then?
The Public Corporation of the Arts was established in 1976 and only recently changed its name to “Arts Council of Log Beach” which sounds, er, less corporate (meaning more artist-friendly). But holding “Invitation Only” meetings is yet again going to lead alot of local artists feeling “left out.” A big public ART FORUM would be better. (I guess that’s what your blog is for, Sander!)
I think it’d be cool if artslb.org had a whole section on their site where corporations and offices could pick out a painting to buy or even LEASE. They should put on a quarterly event on The Bluff, along Ocean, inviting artists from all over the city to set up a booth (I forget the name of the org that does this now, but they don’t market it very good!)
BTW, there are a few GRANT APPLICATIONS available by the PCA right now:
Professional Artist Fellowship – due April 26, 2006
Neighborhood Project Grant – due May 17, 2006
Community Project Grant – due May 17, 2006
For more info contact ED@artslb.org 562-432-5100 x237
I am on the Arts Council and I am still figuring out exactly what our role should be in the City’s arts community. I think there are a number of other members that are asking the questions. I think a difficulty that we are having is understanding the relationship between the Arts Council. the actual artists and general public. I think when this is figured out we are going to see some great things from the Arts Council!
It may seem to be an oversimplification, but it seems to me that, at some point, some smart person at City Hall is going to realize that it costs alot less than $300,000 to employ someone to write 5 checks per year. When this happens, the Arts Council will cease to be, or will be forced to change very rapidly to adopt another model. I would encourage them to do so now.
Wow, looks like this would be a great site, if only someone would make sure that the items were up to date. As a local artist, I am again saddened to see things haven’t been updated since september. There are a number artists that will be sad to have missed the opportunity at the 2cc gallery.