Posted on Wednesday 12 April 2006
There’s a new development in the works, and the Redevelopment Agency has been working with designers and the developers to include a portion of this new construction specifically for something arts related. I’ve heard several ideas about how to use this space, which ranges from 20,000 – 30,000 square feet.
There has been discussion, for many years, about an Art Exchange. The concept has morphed and changed, and the current model is not known to me at this time. Other ideas include a municipal art gallery space, and a media production facility created in partnership with Charter, the City, and CSULB…
One fundamental issue, as I understand it, is that the facility, whatever it is, must be self-sustainable. That is, it cannot depend upon new funding from the city to function. So, the question is: Within these criteria, what is possible for the new development?
There will be opportunities for public discourse related to this project but, if we start now, formulating ideas and thinking creatively, we might have a better chance of asking for something truly useful and amazing. So, tighten those thinking caps and please post your ideas as comments on this post.