Question: What’s possible for the new development on LB Blvd?

Posted on Wednesday 12 April 2006

There’s a new development in the works, and the Redevelopment Agency has been working with designers and the developers to include a portion of this new construction specifically for something arts related. I’ve heard several ideas about how to use this space, which ranges from 20,000 – 30,000 square feet.

There has been discussion, for many years, about an Art Exchange. The concept has morphed and changed, and the current model is not known to me at this time. Other ideas include a municipal art gallery space, and a media production facility created in partnership with Charter, the City, and CSULB…

One fundamental issue, as I understand it, is that the facility, whatever it is, must be self-sustainable. That is, it cannot depend upon new funding from the city to function. So, the question is: Within these criteria, what is possible for the new development?

There will be opportunities for public discourse related to this project but, if we start now, formulating ideas and thinking creatively, we might have a better chance of asking for something truly useful and amazing. So, tighten those thinking caps and please post your ideas as comments on this post.


Sander Wolff @ 1:57 am
Filed under: Civic Responsability andQuestions
The Long Beach Creativity Network – Survey

Posted on Wednesday 5 April 2006

The Creativity Network is an informal network of artists of every discipline, arts educators, arts organizations and others who assemble once a month to meet, greet and dialogue about art and culture in Long Beach.

Since October of 2005, they have gathered at Utopia Restaurant in the East Village Arts District, to exchange business cards, flyers about upcoming events and air mutual concerns. While the goal of these Salons has always been to provide a venue for networking, recent sessions have given rise to a discussion of big issues and the need for action and solutions.

This comes as the Arts Council for Long Beach’s Strategic Planning Committee begins a review of past Cultural Master Plans, conducts an updated needs assessment and submits its recommendations. The Creativity Network distributed a modest two-question survey about arts and culture in Long Beach and was rewarded with a long list of replies which are attached. We post these replies and seek further input from the Greater Long Beach Creative Community. Use the comment feature to add your thoughts to this evolving document.

(Updated 4/3/06)


Sander Wolff @ 11:19 am
Filed under: Civic Responsability andCulture andOrganizations
Women’s Art Festival pictures

Posted on Thursday 30 March 2006

by Christine Amarantus

Sirena Serpentina

While at the Women’s Music, Art & Dance Festival this last Saturday, I took a few photos of a few of the performances and wanted to share them with my Long Beach Culture family.

More photos

There were many more performers than I have pictured here, and my apologies for not doing them justice as wonderful as they all were.

Christine Amarantus @ 3:29 pm
Filed under: Culture andDance andEvents andMusic andVisual Art
Free Weekly Drum Circle

Posted on Wednesday 15 March 2006

Jammin Music is hosting a free weekly drum circle on Satudays at Noon. They’re located just South of Carson at 3972 Atlantic Ave. in Bixby Knolls. They’re open most days at 11 AM.

Give them a call if you want more info: 562.490.0222

Sander Wolff @ 1:42 pm
Filed under: Culture andEvents andMusic andPreviews
Smithsonian Week Photos

Posted on Wednesday 15 March 2006

by Christine Amarantus

[Ed Note: Christine attended one of the final events of this year's Smithsonian Week, a display of classic cars at the Westin Hotel in Downtown Long Beach.]


Sander Wolff @ 11:04 am
Filed under: Uncategorized
Royal Rendezvous Photos

Posted on Wednesday 8 March 2006

by Christine Amarantus

Here are some wonderful photos taken by LBC contributor Christine Amarantus. – Ed.


Sander Wolff @ 12:12 pm
Filed under: Events andReviews
A New Tradition: Last Saturday in Long Beach

Posted on Friday 3 March 2006

By Greggory Moore
Photos Copyright 2006 by Jay McKinnon – Used with permission

For over six years, Second Saturday has been a mainstay of the East Village Arts District in Long Beach. However, recently there has been division in the ranks of the East Village Association, and one of the results is Last Saturday, similar in spirit to Second Saturday but with a different focus and vector. This last Saturday of February (no one will ever be accused of obfuscating with the name) was the second installment and the first time I’ve been since the changeover.

Mike Foss


Sander Wolff @ 1:40 pm
Filed under: Culture andEvents andReviews
“A Royal Rendezvous” or “So You Think Ships with Common Names Care about Meeting Each Other?”

Posted on Monday 27 February 2006

So You Think Ships with Common Names Care about Meeting Each Other
By Greggory Moore

Image Copyright 2006 Long Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau

I didn’t understand. On Thursday, February 23rd, 2006, the Queen Mary 2 was coming to Long Beach to “greet” the Queen Mary for the first time. “Royal Rendezvous,” it was being called (even with its own Website). I didn’t get it. I had to see what was up.


Sander Wolff @ 1:51 pm
Filed under: Culture andEvents andReviews
A Delicious Foamy Latte of Rock

Posted on Monday 23 January 2006

A Conversation With Ben VanderBeek
by Sander Roscoe Wolff

Ben VanderBeek is the driving force behind Inner Beauty Contest. Their CD, The Better to See Them With (Toy Records), is loaded with well-crafted songs that, in addition to the standard bass/drum/guitar format, adds sax, keyboards, and harmonies. After a break from the band to enjoy some wedded bliss, he’s back with his cohorts. He took a few minutes to chat with LBC.

Ben VanderBeek

LBC: What’s the band’s current focus?

Ben: We’re writing a lot of new material, getting ready to start recording a full length late winter or early Spring. Also booking shows of course.  

LBC: Tell me about the writing process… Do the band members come in with tunes, or is it a more collaborative process? 

Ben: When we first started I would pretty exclusively come in with 2 guitar parts, bass, and vocals, and teach everyone the parts. It’s been a long transition, but we’re finally getting to the point where it’s more a stripped down idea that I come to them with, a guitar part, etc. Jeff also writes a lot, usually comes to us with a guitar part and vocals and we fill in the rest. Collaboration is super hard, but inevitably the end result is better when more minds are involved.


Sander Wolff @ 12:10 pm
Filed under: CenterStage andMusic